9 e-Commerce Trends for B2B in 2021

Changes in buyer demographics of B2B companies and technological advancements have impacted the B2B eCommerce industry. Millennials are more digitally savvy and dependent on technology, while Gen X buyers have taken up most leadership roles. As a result, B2B eCommerce has experienced remarkable growth, and the industry keeps evolving every day. The B2B customer of today shops on eCommerce sites and appreciates convenience, speed, security, and personalization.

The difference between CX and DX and why they matter in ecommerce

We talk a lot about CX (customer experience) and DX (digital transformation) in ecommerce, especially since the pandemic pushed retailers to focus more on digital channels and customers encountered some rocky experiences during the abrupt shift. Both CX and DX are crucial to merchant success, but digital transformation and customer experience aren’t synonymous.