Het belang van het erkennen en waarderen van individuen en de teams waartoe zij behoren, lijkt (soms) onderschat te worden.
Today, brands are focused on establishing a relationship with customers and look beyond the activity-based process of winning the customers’ hearts. This new outlook has also evolved the customer experience metrics that matter most than ever and will continue to drive the organizations’ customer-engagement operations.
Customer loyalty programs are ubiquitous, accounting for more than 3.3 billion memberships in the United States alone. And they can confer tremendous advantage: Members are more likely than others to buy from a retailer whose program they belong to, they visit the website or store more frequently, and they are more likely to download the retailer’s app, follow or otherwise engage with the retailer on social media, and recommend it to family and friends.
74% of senior executives believe that customer experience impacts the willingness of a customer to be a loyal advocate. If you want your customers to stay loyal, you have to invest in their experience!