Verandering is de enige constante in het dynamische bedrijfsleven van vandaag

Zelf heb ik, in verschillende rollen -manager, product eigenaar en nu als management & change consultant- uit eerste hand de transformerende kracht gezien die effectief leiderschap heeft op organisatorische veranderingen. Met vallen en opstaan heb ik geleerd (en leer nog elke dag nieuwe dingen) welke cruciale rol leiderschap speelt bij het sturen van succesvolle verandering(en).

The Future of Work: You Don’t Need a Plan. You Need a Commitment.

“You don’t need a new plan for next year. You need a commitment.” The approach recommended above will yield several commitments you and your employees will make to one another. It’s time for you all to write your own version of the future of work. If you do, you’ll keep the great employees you have, attract new talent to your organization, and achieve the kind of results that only a dedicated ensemble of people can realize together.

10 Leading Indicators of Horrible CX… and How to Fix

How good is your CX? If you’re like many organizations, you may not truly know. You certainly think CX is a priority. You’ve invested in redesigning or upgrading your CX. But do you actually know how your customers feel about the CX you deliver? It’s no wonder so many of us don’t know how we’re doing—96% of customers won’t tell organizations if they’ve had a bad experience.