Zelforganiserende organisaties hebben naar mijn mening een duidelijke, gedeelde strategie nodig (en data, maar dat is voor een ander artikel) om autonomie te combineren met samenhang en richting.
Het belang van het erkennen en waarderen van individuen en de teams waartoe zij behoren, lijkt (soms) onderschat te worden.
It’s no secret that creating amazing customer experiences is a key component of all brands’ marketing strategies. If that’s not the case, then quite frankly you’re missing a trick. In 2021, where the majority of a customer’s interaction with a brand is online, customer experience (CX) becomes even more important.
How good is your CX? If you’re like many organizations, you may not truly know. You certainly think CX is a priority. You’ve invested in redesigning or upgrading your CX. But do you actually know how your customers feel about the CX you deliver? It’s no wonder so many of us don’t know how we’re doing—96% of customers won’t tell organizations if they’ve had a bad experience.
It’s no secret that search engines are moving toward finding ways to measure this experience. Google’s page experience update (which is now officially rolling out) and the introduction of Core Web Vitals are a move in that direction.