Thee job of Chief Experience/Customer Officer is used interchangeably within today’s organization and their job should be to conduct all the moving parts of the organization so that they align to the customer’s benefit. They should lead the initiative to connect the customer journey to each department and oversee the initiatives to map out, design, and implement experiences that will provide customers with the most value.
Artificial intelligence is proving to be most valuable when it is applied to rote, predictable functions. At first blush, this may not sound like an ideal fit for customer relations management (CRM), but keeping customers happy requires a lot of tedious work.
Users increasingly expect their customer experiences to have a voice component, whether on a smartphone, on websites, or on a full-fledged voice assistant. The relative ease of use of voice assistants like Google Home and Amazon Alexa is engendering a significant paradigm shift away from page- and screen-bound brand experiences toward those increasingly mediated by audio, sound and voice.
Customers often prefer to find solutions to their problems themselves rather than having to speak with a customer service agent. By providing them with ways to solve their problems, a brand is simplifying the customers’ interactions and reducing the effort they have to make. This article will look at the ways that self-service trends are changing customer service.
Customer loyalty programs are ubiquitous, accounting for more than 3.3 billion memberships in the United States alone. And they can confer tremendous advantage: Members are more likely than others to buy from a retailer whose program they belong to, they visit the website or store more frequently, and they are more likely to download the retailer’s app, follow or otherwise engage with the retailer on social media, and recommend it to family and friends.