Het belang van het erkennen en waarderen van individuen en de teams waartoe zij behoren, lijkt (soms) onderschat te worden.
Customer experience and the other side of the equation – employee experience (EX). The two do not exist in isolation, and although it might seem a bit counterintuitive, CX Day should prompt business leaders to consider the value of EX, too.
Leading brands are learning to transform operating models and processes that support digital-first customer engagement while exploring opportunities to create value in new ways. It’s a fundamental shift from selling to understanding customers.
Your product or service revolves around your customers and their experience. So when they use your products, how do you know if they’re satisfied with them? Or if they’re dissatisfied?
Two-years into the pandemic, the psychological contract between employees and employers has been changed forever. The changes in the way individuals work have not only changed their expectations, people are actively looking to join organisations capable of addressing their unique needs.
Our world is changing rapidly, and so too are consumer expectations. Therefore, if your business wants to continue to add real value and solve customers’ problems….
A journey map is a visualization of the process that a person goes through in order to accomplish a goal. In its most basic form, journey mapping starts by compiling a series of user actions into a timeline.
There are millions of digital products around us, but most of them do not have their own face, and have no story, all of which makes them boring and confusing.
Organisations have long relied heavily on behavioural data to segment their target markets. But audience segmentation and customer journey planning of the future will demand more from marketers. They’ll need to know who their audience is and what inspires them as individuals.
According to a Customer Engagement study we did last year, most companies sped up their digital strategies immediately after the initial pandemic lockdowns in their countries took hold.